



  1. 本週各班先暫停上課
  2. 若回函中,肯定我們可以繼續上課,將立即呼召大家回來
  3. 若回函中不准,或一直尚未回覆,我們繼續處「暫停上課狀態」
  4. 若一直無法上課,將擇期採原班,原時間,開啟網課[ART in ZOOM]
  5. (現在有sibling一起上課的,會按年齡做微調整)
  6. 所有預繳的學費,將移作存款,日後使用,謝謝
  7. 任何時間點,實體課程重啟時,每個孩子將按現在暫停前的時間繼續,不用重新安排,並繼續未完成的作品
  8. 祝福大家繼續在平安中,日日向前!

My dear friend, hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.
As you know, we are now about to enter the second COVID-19 lockdown. I have reached out to government representatives for clarity with regard to our art studio, because like schools, it is certainly providing an educational function but given the prohibition of “indoor gatherings with anyone outside a person’s household”, we need to be sure and follow the proper directives.
Until we get a response indicating that we can proceed with in person art classes, we will need to temporarily pause art classes. I will let you know as soon as I hear something back.
In the meantime, keep your creative juices flowing and stay healthy! I hope we will be reunited very soon. I will miss you very much!

Aster Kao